Friday, April 21, 2006
Quick note: "4.7 GIG" vs 4.38GB disc size
Quick note: "4.7 GIG" vs 4.38GB disc size
Many people wonder why there 4.7 GIG discs are "defective" and "only"
write 4.38 GB at maximum capacity. This is not an error of any kind, but
rather an industry inconsistency. The 4.7 "GIG" that is calculated is
actually 4.7 billion bytes. But on a computer, it takes 1024 bytes, not
merely 1000, to make up a full MB.
The 4.7 GIG discs = 4.38 GB = 4489 MB (for DVD-R) and 4483 (for DVD+R)
This kind of inconsistency is found in many other areas. For example, the
120GB hard drive will format to about 112GB, requiring 8GB for file system
and other settings. A 6-hour video tape is about 6:05 in length. And let's
not forget the most famous one: hot dogs come in packs of 10 while buns
come in packs of 8.